Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Law of Desire

Have any of you (or all of you) seen the new movie "The Secret"? What a powerful film on the laws of attraction, & how we can absolutely draw anything into our lives that we 'desire'.
And therein lies the secret.. that basic energy-induced power of desiring something so much that it permeates our thoughts & minds.

What we love, we 'think' about, & when we give thought to something with enough 'feeling' behind it.. we manifest it! It's as easy as that. (Or as difficult as one wants to make it).

I'm reminded of a time when I was sooo wanting a little Miata sportscar. They had just came out the year before & everyone was just obsessed with their cuteness & chic.
Understand, coming from a marriage with a large family of 6 kids, we had always had vans, stationwagons, or huge 4 door sedans. I was now working on my own, the kids were mostly grown up.. & I ached for something totally unpractical & fun. Hence, my desire for a Miata was born.
At 1st, I would self-talk by saying, 'wow, I really want one of those, but I could never afford it'.
What did the Universe hear? 'I want one of those'.. ok, I'll send her one. Then.. 'Oh no, she doesn't want it.. she says she can't afford it. Cancel that order'.
Step 2 was 'I really want one of those.. why did she get one, when I didn't? That's so unfair.'
My self-doubt & angered 'victim' mode wouldn't work with the Universe either.
Finally, I understood the concept, and when I would see someone proudly driving their Miata, I would bless them & say, 'Good for you. I want one just like that. I'm happy for you, & happy for me that we both get to enjoy our new cars!'
And within a month, I was gifted with a new Miata by my ex-husband. Does it get any better than that?

Perhaps this subject of 'desire' is taboo in some realms of belief. But I truly think that the Bible is right when it says, 'You have not, because you ask not'.
Sort of like the old blonde joke about the girl asking God why she never wins the lottery.. & He suggests that she buy a ticket first.
Desiring something, be it material, physical, emotional.. whatever.. requires that we 'feel' that wanting deep inside. Allowing all our senses to create & visualize this thing in our life.
When I was in my manifesting state of the Miata.. I could 'see' the very model I wanted.
I could 'smell' the new car scent.
I could 'hear' that low rumble of the motor as I shifted through the gears in my mind.
I ran my hands over that soft leather, as I 'felt' what my new car would be like.
I was fully invested in my desire.. & it worked.

For today, allow your mind to peruse the giant catalog of Life. Pick and choose what it is that you most desire.
Create a Visualization board of pictures of what you want to draw into your life.
Don't hold back.. allow yourself the very best!
Write out a Top Ten List of what you most want to manifest for you.
Each day write (by hand) 16 times, at least one of those top 10 things. (It creates a hand to mind connection, that really works).

Get excited.. get passionate.. allow the Law of Desire to work for you!


Angela H said...

Oh yeah, I have my vision board right beside my bed and its the last thing I see when I drift off. I get a good positive energy going looking expectantly toward an amazing manifestation!
That miata was soooo cute. :-)

... said...

Ah yes, I've heard of the Miata! What a cool story.

I'm going to start the Top Ten list and keep you posted on the outcomes. I doubt any of it is material (ha, okay, maybe one or two), but watching the outcome and relearning "desire" will be fun!

sandegaye said...

I tell you, it works. When I was 1st taught this principle, I was told to make this Top Ten List, then fold it up & put it away for a year. Continuing to meditate on the things I wanted, during the ensuing year.
At the end of the year, take your list out & see what has manifested in your life. Some of the things turned out to be not in my best interest, so I was happy (in the end) that they didn't come about. But a lot of them did! In ways I never would've expected. For example.. I wanted to pay off my truck back in '98.. so that was on my list. Lo & behold, I left my job & the 401K was just enough to pay off the truck. (Why was it I always expected the lottery to bring it all about?)Ha

... said...

It sounds like a really cool exercise, thanks!