Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Progress or Regress

Law of Progress -- Everything is either progressing or regressing. Nothing stands still.

"Nothing remains constant and unchanging. Everything must either advance to a higher phase or level, or regress back to a more primitive one."

This law pertains to the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of each person. It can also include relationships. We are either growing or regressing backwards...nothing is in a holding pattern. As with each choice we make, we also have an equal reaction that results from our choices. Everything is in a constant state of change. Nothing stays the same...except for absolute truth.
It is almost as if we have an innate desire to evolve in every way. It is the soul's urging to become self acutalized. We move forward or backward...but never to remain the same in every moment. The same is true on a broader scale involving the human race. We are always changing, cycling, and evolving. To stay the same is to be dead, so to speak.
I find that whatever lesson I am learning is for my own evolution which in turn progresses or regresses humanity as a whole. I'd like to say i'm always in "drive", however, I do regress in personal lessons and relationships. Even the regression can teach a lesson. The tall and short of it is that we are all on a journey and sitting around is not an option.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Law of Productivity.. get to work!

"Law of Productivity -- Turning the energy of our thoughts and of our work into a physical product is the process of productivity. Productivity brings growth and rewards."

Rather like putting footsteps into our mental plan.. we bring about our manifestations by taking that one (or 2) steps toward the goal. The Universe will always take the many more, to meet at us this point.. but we do need to show our intent by Productively walking toward the goal.

An easy visual,
You: 'I think I feel like Taco Bell today'
Universe: 'There's one 2 miles from here.'
You: 'Uh huh.. but here's McDonald's, so I'm stopping here'.
Universe: 'Okayyyyyyyy..'
Our obvious intent was simply fastfood.. not the Taco Bell we 1st expressed.
So we must set a clear intent & go for that goal. Then the Universe will create all the green lights & clear sailing for us.

Now, for me, the conversation early-on in my life went like this..
Me: 'I want to be a best selling author'
Universe: 'Fine! Here's a venue to begin writing short stories for.. they guarantee to accept your early work.'
Me: 'Cool.. oh look.. that guy is cute. I think I'll get married instead.'
Universe: 'Lovely.. after you have the 6 kids & a few more cute guys, we'll get back to this best seller thing, ok?'

Morale of this lesson:
Set your intentions with clarity & be productive in seeking that goal!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Law of Prayer

Law of Prayer ( or petition) -- Prayer is the catalyst that initiates a divine reaction. Prayer changes things. Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Seems this law ties in with the ask and receive concept. The experience I have had with prayer is a consistent one. When I pray in a sincere way, I find that the Universe is ever present and faithful to my voice. Sometimes it takes great strength to ask for things, especially things or characteristics you are scared of developing or attaining, and the wisdom of our Creator is always at work. I do believe in the law of attract things into your realm merely by belief. This works for the good or the bad, depending on your thoughts and beliefs. However, I do believe when we are on our knees and do not know what to do or what to believe, Grace is present and ready to help us along this not so easy path. It starts when we are humbled enough or have walked into the wall one too many times...when we finally ask for help. We are always given what we need and the Universe wastes absolutely nothing. Everything works for good. Our part is to pay attention in our lives and live in a state of awareness...focusing on the moment and the cues of the Divine.
I believe our gratitude is music to Universal Mind. It sets in motion a calm, peaceful and content energy which only brings more gratitude. Sometimes we do not take the time to notice when things go our way. We can become used to living in a state of blessedness. That is why living in a world of duality is very helpful to our sense of perception.
May we all ask for what we need, notice when life moves for us, and bask in a perfect Universe that supports and nourishes us as needed. Then we will begin to notice that life always moves for us and we are grateful for all lessons...pleasurable and painful.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Law of Praise.. (you look GOOD!)

The intent of the Law of Praise is to cycle & recycle goodness into & out of our lives. What we give out, we get back. It has a lot to do w/ the polarity Law.. where we choose to dwell on the positive rather than the negative in life, while experiencing them both.

When we offer positive & constructive re-enforcement to our self, friends, & family.. we find it oh so much more acceptable than the critical, depreciating 'tearing down' of egos.
And I'm not talking about the shallow, 'plastic' compliments.
I think there is something truly wonderful in everyone of God's children (Yes, even some politicians were once innocent babies.. & I try to picture that in my mind's eye).
When we find that bit of wonderment.. voice it.
Let that person know you see a bit of 'God' in them.. you appreciate the beauty, kindness, knowledge.. whatever it is you discern. Let them know.. now!
And watch the blessings flow back to you.
Not necessarily from that same person, or even in the same way. But the Law of Praise will return to you, & you will be blessed.

Just ask my husband, when I ask him, 'Do I look fat in these pants?' & he replies, 'You look perfect in anything..'
That man is well on his way to being blessed! ;o)

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Law of Polarities -- For everything there is an opposite which is equal.

"You must have both poles and both sides of the spectrum, both positive and negative for either side to exist. It is impossible to have one side of the polarity without the other also existing.
It is impossible to have good without bad. It is impossible to have physical pleasure without physical pain. It is impossible to have happiness without unhappiness (emotional pain). It is impossible to have love without antilove also existing.
Note that almost all of the important things in life, the things you most seek (wisdom, intelligence, power, success, love, and happiness) are polarities.
In all cases, the negative side of a polarity must exist for the positive sides, the positive experiences = happiness that we seek to exist. Thus ignorance, stupidity, inability, failure, antilove, unhappiness, pain and suffering MUST exist. Furthermore, to know and appreciate the positive sides, you must experience the negative sides occasionally—but only occasionally. You don't have to live in them, (i.e. the negative emotions) much or most of the time, as so many people do."

Polarity or duality offers free will to choose your life and your mind. You decide on whether you focus on the negative end or positive end. Do you live in a hostile universe or a nourishing one, as Einstein once mused? We can consciously make a decision on where we will place our thoughts and energy. The positive end of the polarity spectrum is where most want to reside, thus came the movement of Positive Thinking.
We must also understand that we know success from knowing failure, we know forgiveness from not forgivng, we know love from hatred...they are simply varying degrees of the same principles. We know pleasure from knowing pain. We cannot experience one without experiencing the other. It is all an Earth Education. There is no good or bad...except the meaning you attach to it. Instead of beating ourselves up for visiting the negative end from time to time...maybe we should remind ourselves that it's just the world of polarity at work and we are all learning the principles of life.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."- Anais Nin