Friday, August 24, 2007

The Law of Thought.. just think about it!

Law of Thought__ "You are what you think"
Proverbs 23:7, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Our thoughts have so much power.. the things we dwell upon, become manifested in our lives on a daily basis.
For instance, if I'm thinking.. "I hate to exercise.. I wish I hadn't eaten that bag of chips.. how come these sweatpants don't fit?" I am dwelling on the negative.. & like a magnet I am drawing that into my world.
If I put the kabosh on that line of thinking, & start contemplating the toned, fit & healthy woman I am becoming.. I attract that 'model' into my life.

Some of you have heard of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, or NLP. The premise of the whole program is to model yourself after someone who is the top of the field you want to be in. For instance, if golfing were your thing (Lord knows it's not mine.. but anyway) you would study the moves, swings, putts, etc of someone like Tiger Woods. You would envision yourself making the same plays that he does so effortlessly. NLP masters say this 'envisioning' has the same value that actually being on the golf course & practicing for hours on end! Some sports teams have their players do this on a regular basis.

When we 'think' we are great, we tend to live up to those expectations. When we set our limitations low, again we live down to them.
Richard Bach made famous the words, 'Name your limitations, & they're yours'.
For today, let's think powerful thoughts! Let's live our lives 'as if', allowing our minds to embrace our own greatness.
Manifest a superb Destiny!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


This is a short article written by 8 year old Aiyanna Hutchinson.


I know I may be 8 years old, but I have experienced something. Something amazing. You see, me and my mother were praying to Father/Mother/God while doing tarot. I asked if I was going to become a writer. I picked up the card and it said I would be a great leader and would publish a book. I was filled with such joy that I cried. From the second I drew that card, I knew there was an after life. I was afraid that there was no after life. It made me feel like I was vulnerable and unsafe. But as soon as the card appeared, I knew there was nothing to be afraid of and I knew I was a stronger girl. My future will come to me and I know that you might not believe this cause I’m so young, but this is true. I know there is a heaven. You have nothing to be afraid of.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What Does it All Mean?

Law of Symbols -- Symbols carry the meaning of messages from our guides. Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

Symbology has been a mode of teaching and communication for years. The bible and other Holy Scripture are full of rich imagery to convey information. Through cultures and time, this law in practice has been a guide for us as we find our way through this experience of life on this planet. From the totem animals of the Native American tradition to the rainbows and doves of biblical stories, symbols provide the messages we yearn for and the meaning we need.

Whether it be a crow that flies across your path to a loved song played when you need it. You are loved, cared for, and remembered. Our responsibility is to have ears to hear and eyes to see and the heart to figure it all out.