Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Law of Dharma

The Law of Dharma says that we all have a purpose in this life.. a unique 'Path', if you will.
Some call it our destiny or our fate.
I don't think that this precludes our 'freedom of thought & will'.
So while we may have a perfect Path laid out by the Universe, we have every right to ignore it, refuse it, or postpone it.
(And maybe we'll pick it up in the next lifetime.)
Wouldn't it be nice if we 'remembered' our purpose when we crossed over from the energy-field to human form?
But alas, it requires some inner work on our part, to re-discover our purpose.
Perhaps that makes us appreciate it more.

How do we ascertain & recognize our purpose in life? Ask yourself these questions:
What is it you most desire? That may be your 1st clue..
What 'flows' in your life? What seems like fun, even if it involves work? Is there something you do where you lose a sense of time, even while you're taking part in it?
Or does something feel obstructive, provokes a feeling of sadness, makes your intuitive 'hackles' come up? This could be the Universe telling you that this is not your purpose.

For today, open your heart & mind to the Universal call to your own personal Dharma.
This lifetime is a precious gift. Live it fully, & for the purpose that God has created for you & you alone.

And for your listening pleasure.. 'Awakening to your Divinity'..


Angela H said...

This is a tricky one. Life purpose is usually thought to be tied to a profession, but i think that life purpose can be tied to other facets of life. Such as, if you are someone who encourages others and this is how you feel fulfilled, or making people laugh. I suppose it could be a profession, but i don't think it has to be. what do you think?

... said...

I agree, Angi - it's far too common to tie purpose with profession. It's my personal opinion (unless you're lucky enough to actually get paid to live your dream) that profession should fund purpose.

Ha, now, that being said, I have no idea what it is I'm supposed to be funding. :) I have no clue what my purpose is.

Definitely something to meditiate on!

Angela H said...

I flip flop, that's how I got into speech in the first place. The two things I love are spirituality and singing. I always said I should be a new thought evangelist who sings and speaks roaming from town to town...
what do you love? is it a hobby? or is it something nobody knows about?
I also think that I really feel good about supporting people, encouraging them and that is a form of my purpose.
I still have to move my mind into a space of service...I think as a mom who is always giving everything makes me more selfish in other areas.

sandegaye said...

I totally agree.. it doesn't have to be a 'career' call, but one that serves yourself as well as others. You could be a janitor (which is a noble thing to be), & still be able to listen well to others & offer sound advice.. which might be your 'purpose'.

It's sort of like asking people to describe themselves & they always start off w/ their profession! That doesn't tell me who you are, it tells me what you do.
Our Path always involves what brings us Joy, which isn't always necesesarily our jobs.

And Angi, being an evangelist karioke-master is not that far out there.. ;o)