Friday, March 9, 2007

Energy...Feel Your Way

"Law of Energy -- All is energy."
Okay I'm no Quantum Physicist...but I understand that we are all made of atoms. An atom consists of electrons surrounding a nucleus which is made up of protons and nuetrons. Basically we are all bits of energy bouncing off each other. An electrical magnet of possibility. When we are vibrating highher energy (high frequency) it is associated with positive feelings. Lower vibrational energy (low frequency) is associated with more negative feelings. This is where the law of attraction occurs. We attract whatever and whomever is vibrating closely to our own vibrational frequency. a.k.a..... we get more of the same. We bring into our reality...whatever we feel. This is why gratitude is so important. I have seen this vibrational stuff at work too many times not to believe.
A bit about being positive and negative...
When we find ourselves in a downward spiral of negativity, we have to be aware enough within our own existence to know something has to change the way we feel. You have to pull yourself up by nourishing yourself, whether it is through music, talking to a supportive friend, or going for a walk in nature. Anything that will raise your frequency of vibration.
You focus on the positive...or at the least, do not feed the negative feelings. You can feel them...but try not to tie them into your world or to yourself...feel them, notice them and let them move on out as they will. Many times we get stuck in the mud of low vibration, then we pull the mud and pile it on ourselves and get angry with ourselves for being dirty. It is too much time and energy wasted. Find what it is that makes you happy and actively pursue it. As you develop spiritual muscle, the bad times will not be so down and rotten. You will notice it and not react to it in the same way you once did. It will move on and life will continue forward.
The rotten is simply rotten because of the stories we tell ourselves about why it is rotten and how this was rotten before and how it will always be rotten.
This is why living in the moment destroys these stories that we feed ourselves. We observe reality with awareness and move through as a spectator so that we can choose our creation, rather than react and get what we get.


sandegaye said...

Wow! Who says you're not a physicist? And did I even spell that right..

This is a great lesson for me.. I need to remind myself of this on a daily basis.
Thanks for writing it so eloquently.

... said...

It completely makes sense - we are energy, so why wouldn't we "charge" either positively or negatively.

This is a great lesson - man, I need to start printing off this blog...