Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Law of Healing..

"Law of Healing -- Healing energy is within us. Divine power turns on the healing energy within us to heal us and to pass through us to heal others."

I fully believe that we make 'pre-life' contracts for the lessons we want to learn in our next incarnation. For some of us, that includes life altering illnesses, deformities, &/or innumerable special-needs. We seek out the gifts that the challenges offer.
For example, it is why people can say 'The worst day of my life was when I was diagnosed w/ cancer. Yet, the best day of my life was when I was diagnosed w/ cancer.. because I truly began to live.'
And that type of life lesson cannot be obtained in any other way. You requested the lesson & you received the blessing from it.

That is not particularly what this specific law of healing is about. Although, I'm sure it could be, if you asked for that 'cup to pass from you'.. & desired healing; foregoing the life lesson. We do have freewill, after all.
What I wish to convey is that healing 'energy' that resides in us & through us. Some call it a 'Kundilini' power.. an energy that resides in the base of the spine, which we may call up, almost serpent-like through the spine, up through the 7th chakra at the crown of the head. Others think of healing power as residing in the 'soul', still others see it in the 'heart chakra'. Wherever you feel this power... it is a real & viable force.
Christ told his followers that they had the same healing powers that He did, & even 'Greater works shall ye do in my name'. The Divine DNA runs through us all.. & we have the right to tap into this healing power.
Intercessory prayer is also a powerful tool in the healing realm. Tests are still going on to prove that cardiac patients do better when they have received intercessory prayer on their behalf.. some call this 'long distance' prayer, & the recipient doesn't have to be known to the person interceding with healing prayers.

Disease or 'dis-ease' in the spiritual-seeker's life can be healed! We have only to ask.. & to thank our Higher Power for the healing. Like a magnet, we attract that which we want. See yourself as the whole, healthy person you want to be, & you ARE that person.
Treat your physical body as the temple it is, & watch divine healing stream through your being.

And at the end of your days, when the body is ready to transition to your energy 'home'.. know that even what some call 'death' is the ultimate healing.
What wonderful beings we are!


Angela H said...

That is one thing about living a more enlightened life...I know that nothing is wasted and there are no accidents. When it's my time to return to another form, then I will accept that. I do think much healing is done on an unconscious level and there are days you wake up clearer and happier and I think it is then that a battle has been won.

... said...

In addition to echoing Angi's comments (except I am a sissy and still very much afraid of transitioning to a different form), this entry also reminds me of the prayer request email group you had started up. No one even really knew each other, and we were geographically scattered...but amazing things happened when we wished each other 'healing'.