Thursday, April 26, 2007


"Law of Increase -- What we put the energy of our thoughts into will increase. To obtain increase we must maintain an attitude of increase toward others. We must rejoice in their joy as they receive increase."

I was watching the movie-The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday. By the end of the movie, having felt the pain, angst, challenge, strength, and perverance of Chris Gardner...I was in empathic ecstasy when he was offered the position of stock brocker at Dean Witter. The thought occurred to me...I am so glad that I can be happy for other people instead of jealous or angry; that I can connect with another's plight or reward without any gain for myself, other than the fantastic feeling I was experiencing. I think that in order to feel happy for others there has to be a connection to happiness in our own lives. This increase is what our thoughts are doing every moment of every day. What are you thinking about? Are you present and enjoying the moment, believing that you are blessed? Or are you feeling ripped off by life? Why is it that the person in the next cubicle always gets the good jobs and the massive praise? Thoughts become things. Feelings control thoughts when we aren't consciously aware of them. It is time to take control of your thoughts and gain perspective on life and what you have. If you don't believe the movie! It will help you to regain a perspective of gratitude...because there but for the grace of God go I. Take a moment to see your life, your divinity, your blessings for what they are. If you can read this, if you are on a computer, if you have a place to sleep tonight...then life is pretty good right now. I'm not saying that the occasional pity party won't happen. They certainly happen for me! But they serve as a notice. It's time to resurrect myself into a place of proper thinking...increasing gratitude is where I want to be. As mentioned byMichael Beckwith..."The Universe will correspond to the nature of your song."

1 comment:

sandegaye said...

And I'm loving that song you're singing!
I can't wait to see that movie now..
We are so incredibly blessed, if only for the opportunity of attending Earth-School.