Sunday, June 17, 2007

Law of Productivity.. get to work!

"Law of Productivity -- Turning the energy of our thoughts and of our work into a physical product is the process of productivity. Productivity brings growth and rewards."

Rather like putting footsteps into our mental plan.. we bring about our manifestations by taking that one (or 2) steps toward the goal. The Universe will always take the many more, to meet at us this point.. but we do need to show our intent by Productively walking toward the goal.

An easy visual,
You: 'I think I feel like Taco Bell today'
Universe: 'There's one 2 miles from here.'
You: 'Uh huh.. but here's McDonald's, so I'm stopping here'.
Universe: 'Okayyyyyyyy..'
Our obvious intent was simply fastfood.. not the Taco Bell we 1st expressed.
So we must set a clear intent & go for that goal. Then the Universe will create all the green lights & clear sailing for us.

Now, for me, the conversation early-on in my life went like this..
Me: 'I want to be a best selling author'
Universe: 'Fine! Here's a venue to begin writing short stories for.. they guarantee to accept your early work.'
Me: 'Cool.. oh look.. that guy is cute. I think I'll get married instead.'
Universe: 'Lovely.. after you have the 6 kids & a few more cute guys, we'll get back to this best seller thing, ok?'

Morale of this lesson:
Set your intentions with clarity & be productive in seeking that goal!


... said...

Oh man - I should have read this *before* I made the decision to drop my post-baccalaurate. I was taking my "first steps" by registering and getting accepted ... but then I backed away and feel surprisingly good about the decision.

I wonder if what I really wanted was to simply be accepted to the program?

Hmmm. Maybe I'll be re-applying come Autumn after more soul-searching. Great post and great timing!

Angela H said...

It's a big lesson! If I spent as much of my time in tasks that are productive than in tasks that are would be interesting, wouldn't it?
A good lesson in self motivation and in Universal support.