Saturday, June 2, 2007


Law of Polarities -- For everything there is an opposite which is equal.

"You must have both poles and both sides of the spectrum, both positive and negative for either side to exist. It is impossible to have one side of the polarity without the other also existing.
It is impossible to have good without bad. It is impossible to have physical pleasure without physical pain. It is impossible to have happiness without unhappiness (emotional pain). It is impossible to have love without antilove also existing.
Note that almost all of the important things in life, the things you most seek (wisdom, intelligence, power, success, love, and happiness) are polarities.
In all cases, the negative side of a polarity must exist for the positive sides, the positive experiences = happiness that we seek to exist. Thus ignorance, stupidity, inability, failure, antilove, unhappiness, pain and suffering MUST exist. Furthermore, to know and appreciate the positive sides, you must experience the negative sides occasionally—but only occasionally. You don't have to live in them, (i.e. the negative emotions) much or most of the time, as so many people do."

Polarity or duality offers free will to choose your life and your mind. You decide on whether you focus on the negative end or positive end. Do you live in a hostile universe or a nourishing one, as Einstein once mused? We can consciously make a decision on where we will place our thoughts and energy. The positive end of the polarity spectrum is where most want to reside, thus came the movement of Positive Thinking.
We must also understand that we know success from knowing failure, we know forgiveness from not forgivng, we know love from hatred...they are simply varying degrees of the same principles. We know pleasure from knowing pain. We cannot experience one without experiencing the other. It is all an Earth Education. There is no good or bad...except the meaning you attach to it. Instead of beating ourselves up for visiting the negative end from time to time...maybe we should remind ourselves that it's just the world of polarity at work and we are all learning the principles of life.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."- Anais Nin


sandegaye said...

You're right.. it's all perception.
Knowing our 'shadow side', that dark side of the spectrum, helps us appreciate the enlightened positive side. Good post!

... said...

Very true!

I just got out of a nearly year long low (by my standards), and things are finally coming back together. I'm so much more appreciative and grateful because of the previous diffculties.