Friday, October 5, 2007

The Law of Vibration

"Everything is always in Motion".

We can set things & matters into motion via our thoughts & actions.

These actions/reactions can be negative or positive.

Have you ever been to a mall or a crowded theater.. & you come home to find yourself somewhat 'saturated' with all this confusing energy? It happens to me a lot.

We can pick up other's vibrations just from our proximity to them.

When this occurs, I have to either sit in meditation to cleanse my aura.. or in the least, take a shower.

In the same instance, when I am feeling balanced, at peace, & at 'One' with all that is, I am creating a Vibration of positivity.. that others will pick up on, if they are open to it.

I did a self experiment back in the 80's when I first started work as a nurse. I decided to spend one week using only superlatives & compliments when dealing with my co-workers and patients. I 1st wanted to see if they would 'call' me on it & just tell me to stop the silliness. Then I wanted to see if it made a difference in my life, &/or theirs.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the vibration I had put out there, came back to bless me again & again. For every perceived negative happening, I turned it around to create the positive. I freely complimented the docs, nurses, ancillary help, etc.

At the end of the week, I had people telling me, 'I don't know what it is about you, but I just love spending time around you.'

By the end of the experiment, I began to tell people about the whole of it, so of course it lost its luster.. but I had proven to myself & others that we do indeed have an underused power in setting forth a positive vibration!

Try it for your ownself..


Angela H said...

that's a great idea. i need to do that right now in my life to see all that any situation can be. this would be great with the people close to us as well. good vibrations!

... said...

I always think that it's easy for me to pick up on the energy around me...but isn't it weird that until I read this entry I never really thought about the energy *I've* been putting out?