Sunday, August 12, 2007


This is a short article written by 8 year old Aiyanna Hutchinson.


I know I may be 8 years old, but I have experienced something. Something amazing. You see, me and my mother were praying to Father/Mother/God while doing tarot. I asked if I was going to become a writer. I picked up the card and it said I would be a great leader and would publish a book. I was filled with such joy that I cried. From the second I drew that card, I knew there was an after life. I was afraid that there was no after life. It made me feel like I was vulnerable and unsafe. But as soon as the card appeared, I knew there was nothing to be afraid of and I knew I was a stronger girl. My future will come to me and I know that you might not believe this cause I’m so young, but this is true. I know there is a heaven. You have nothing to be afraid of.


sandegaye said...

I am so proud of her!
This realization usually comes after decades of living..
How precious our time here on Earth School is. No time for Fear, only time for Living.
You go Yanna!!

... said...

These words are wise beyond their years. Sign me up for her first novel!

Angela H said...

yeah me too. she is something else.