Friday, August 24, 2007

The Law of Thought.. just think about it!

Law of Thought__ "You are what you think"
Proverbs 23:7, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Our thoughts have so much power.. the things we dwell upon, become manifested in our lives on a daily basis.
For instance, if I'm thinking.. "I hate to exercise.. I wish I hadn't eaten that bag of chips.. how come these sweatpants don't fit?" I am dwelling on the negative.. & like a magnet I am drawing that into my world.
If I put the kabosh on that line of thinking, & start contemplating the toned, fit & healthy woman I am becoming.. I attract that 'model' into my life.

Some of you have heard of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, or NLP. The premise of the whole program is to model yourself after someone who is the top of the field you want to be in. For instance, if golfing were your thing (Lord knows it's not mine.. but anyway) you would study the moves, swings, putts, etc of someone like Tiger Woods. You would envision yourself making the same plays that he does so effortlessly. NLP masters say this 'envisioning' has the same value that actually being on the golf course & practicing for hours on end! Some sports teams have their players do this on a regular basis.

When we 'think' we are great, we tend to live up to those expectations. When we set our limitations low, again we live down to them.
Richard Bach made famous the words, 'Name your limitations, & they're yours'.
For today, let's think powerful thoughts! Let's live our lives 'as if', allowing our minds to embrace our own greatness.
Manifest a superb Destiny!


Angela H said...

I am a total believer in making a decision to change your thinking...reality will catch up. You manifest based on your beliefs every second. Your life today is based on thoughts of the past. It is total victims here. This is the law that appears to be popular right now. It is certainly life altering.

... said...

This is a method that works very well for me. During my spiritual dry spell, in 2006, I tried to force everything. And I resented when it didn't "flow".

Then I remembered what the old, confident decsion-making me was like. So I did something radical and irreversible (bought a condo while unemployed) knowing that my entire attitude would have to shift from "nothing's working" to "I need to MAKE this work"!

2007 has been a very very blessed year for me, and I owe it all to shifting my train of thought. The condo was followed by a fabulous new job, acceptance into school, a better car.

I plan on using 2008 as my "giving back" year.

Angela H said...

Wow. that is the law of thought in action. I love hearing stories like that. I am so glad 2007 has been a banner year for you.