Friday, July 20, 2007


Law of Release -- You are bound to that which you do not release. Release that which is holding you down. Release it to the higher power to be released in minute, benign particles disseminating into the infinite universe.

The Universe is always teaching, and we are always learning. It's a constant. As I was writing this fabulous blog yesterday I lost it all. I got to the end of it, very proud of it if I may say so myself, and POOF! Gone. Like an episode of never happened. I was so livid...I knew the Universe was showing me something, pointing at the obvious, allowing me an opportunity to release it all. Oh our higher power has a wicked sense of humor. :-)
Yesterday I wrote that this was the perfect law for me to be writing about. We hired a fence man to put in a fence because our dogs have been inside for 2 years. (Count them, over 700 days of me accompanying them outside numerous times a day, screaming at them to get inside or they wouldn't get a treat, freezing in the winters, sweating in the summers, you get the point.) We are incredibly thrilled we had the money to finally put in a fence. So my husband gets quotes and goes with this contractor we know nothing about, trying to give him some business, knowing its not easy competing against the big companies. So there you have it, and here there is no fence. We paid half and we are still waiting. Now normally I would lose it. I would be very upset and suffer much stress. Then a voice said...wait for it. Let me work. So I said, okay.
At some point we have to release it to the Universe. When its time for me to act, I will. But I will not get in my own way or spirit's. When we release, we release our tie to suffering and pain. We let go, and let God. It is a power beyond comprehension, it is the concept of faith...simple and profound. I will not invite doubt into my mind and I will live knowing I am cared for and supported. I only go to places where I will learn.
I will wait for it.


... said...

It's tough for me to remember that letting go doesn't make me helpless. In fact, it's quite the opposite - because a majority of the really fantastic things in my life just "happened", none of them were forcefully created by me. Letting go is a wonderful lesson...but keep me posted about that fence. :)

sandegaye said...

Ah.. the big 'Let-Go' as the Buddhists say. One of the toughest Laws to comply w/.. because it's so hard not to just 'help a little bit', w/ our angsting & worry.
I love that Unity song, 'I Release, & I Let Go'.. then what is mine, comes to me.

Angela H said...

The fence man came yesterday and cemented posts in. I am sooo excited I could yodel. so hopefully by Wednesday we'll have the fence completed. Thank you Universe for coming through on this one. In the mean time we stressed a little, but it was a good lesson for me to learn. I have struggled with release from childhood one. when i was in church I had trouble with following God's will...what if HE didn't know what I truly needed to make me happy. Now as I have matured I see that I didn't understand Spirit at all. I still struggle with release of my so called control. But at least I have the knowledge, now its just a matter of practicing it.